
Testing and Validations

Facing The Challenges Of Test Environment

Currently IT not only supports the businesses but also fuels it to grow the business further with more precision and speed. IT firm has step up from just automating the complex business process to become back bone of the business strategy.
In the era of ever changing technical environment, Business Management expects the IT organization to meet changing requirements & deliver the business objectives quickly.

Some challenges are faced by IT firms along with this co-operative approach are :

  •  Meeting the rising expectation of Enterprise Application
  •  Emerging Service Oriented Business Approach
  •  Demand For Mobility
  •  Agile Transformation
Because of these challenges IT companies are often struggling hard to decide between how much time & resources should be assigned to quality management practices which are always dominated by Testing.

With sudden changes in requirements, the testing process becomes complex in software development cycle. However, while IT companies are attempting to become more quick & responsive to market demands. 

Testing often struggles to keep pace, creating a bottleneck in the overall software delivery process. 

Solution to Testing Challenges

Evisipro's Testing & Validation approach improves the Quality of software, based on understanding changing requirements & business risks. We have set the required processes in place to meet up the demands of today's end-user that allow us for earlier detection, isolation & correction of defects. 

How Evisipro can help to speed up Testing Module??

1. Testing at early phases-

Evisipro's Testing & validation team can simulate the interfaces that the system under test (SUT) to call on. You do not need to wait until late the development life cycle to test the interfaces. In fact we have Testing module where team makes continuous testing part of regular ongoing process

2.Shared our Test Lab while lowering cost -

Evisipro makes available a 'ready to use' Test Lab which allows testing to begin without delay. Outsourcing of Testing helps you in reducing cost of Hardware, software & labor

3. Parallel Approach to project development -

Shared test lab for development & Quality Assurance department can give fast move to Test modules earlier in the process. The work on development & testing goes hand in hand which leads to deliver project within time frame.

Quality of software always define the success of project which build reputation of IT firm among customers,partners & suppliers in the market.

Evisipro's Testing service can help the organizations to become more efficient & quality focused in the phase of ever changing technology & environment.

posted by Leena Deokar on Jan 10,2014


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